IEEE Consumer Technology Society Madhya Pradesh Section Chapter

IEEE Consumer Technology Society Madhya Pradesh Section Chapter

Goals of IEEE CT Society Bombay Chapter

Immediate Goals of IEEE Consumer Technology Society Bombay Chapter

(a) The first six months will focus on formation of the office bearers. Once office bearers are formed and sufficient time is available, then preparation for organizing workshop will be made on emerging topics which could be attended by all IEEE members (with thrust on consumer electronics).

(b) Seminar/lecture series from renowned experts will be conducted.

(c) Hands-on design sessions under IEEE CT society can be co-held with the workshop. In all the above activities, major engagement of all members will be required including forming committee, call for participation, local arrangement, execution of the event etc.

Long Term Goals of IEEE Consumer Technology Society Bombay Chapter

(a) Knowledge enhancement of all members through various professional activities is the primary goal.

(b) In the first year at-least two successive workshops on emerging research themes such as ‘Hardware Security and Protection” and “DSP Hardware Fault Tolerance” are planned to be conducted.

(c) Expect all members to gain industry level exposure from hands-on sessions that will be held during seminar series or workshop.

(d) Several talks from academia and industry on latest research developments on Consumer Electronics.